Employees from Mongolia

Mongolia is included in the Government's Skilled Worker Program.

Czech-Mongolian cooperation has been going on in our country for decades, and during this time, this community has rightfully earned its irreplaceable place on the Czech labour market. Workers from Mongolia are an important workforce for the Czech market, for several reasons.

Due to their qualifications and high level of skill, they achieve above-average work results, especially in the textile and automotive industries. In practice, their responsibility to achieve 100% of the tasks or standards can be clearly seen.
It also finds its place in logistics, assembly-manufacturing sectors or transport. This is only confirmed by the fact that they learn new skills very quickly, while being stable and time – flexible.


Language of communication

Recruitment procedure

By video call in the presence of an interpreter. It also includes skill testing.

With a larger recruitment number, it is also possible in person in Mongolia. Initiation: 4-6 months.

The fastest possible way of recruiting workers from Mongolia is the acquisition of workers with an already issued employee card, already active on the Czech market. Initiation: 1-2 months.

How to employ workers

Employing Mongolian workers is as easy for employers as employing citizens from the European Union.  We will provide the whole process from helping to include a company in a government programme, to selecting and recruiting candidates, the visa process, administration and legislative obligations related to the employment of third – country workers for you.

We will also provide you with our 100% support in the case of recruiting workers from the Czech market.

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